Sounds roughly like: ann-von?
IPA: /ˈanvɔn/ ?
CEFR band: A2
Welsh for Adults level: Sylfaen/Foundation
1. to send
1. to cause something to be moved from one place to another (particularly by post or electronically)
Cofiwch anfon cerdyn post.
Remember to send a postcard.
Anfonais i e-bost ddwy awr yn ôl.
I sent an e-mail two hours ago.
Dw i wedi anfon y pres.
I've sent the money.
2. to command or direct (a person, animal, etc.) to go from one place to another
Anfona fo adra'.
Send him home.
Anfonodd y cwmni rhywun i helpu'r tîm.
The company sent someone to help the team.
More about anfon (click a category to expand...)
Allet ti eu hanfon ymlaen?
Could you send them on?
Verb forms?
singular plural
1 anfonais (i) anfonon (ni)
2 anfonaist (ti) anfonoch (chi)
3 anfonodd (hi/e) anfonon (nhw)
singular plural
1 (i) (ni)
2 anfona (di) anfonwch (chi)
3 (hi/e) (nhw)
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