Sounds roughly like: howth?try saying "how the", but leave off the final vowel of "the": "how th'"
IPA: /hauð/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
1. physically undemanding
of an action or process
simplerequiring little effort to perform or complete
Bydd ffeindio rhywbeth tebyg yn hawdd.
Finding something similar will be easy.
Ffordd hawdd o drefnu'r project.
An easy way to organize the project.
of a physical object
easy to create successfully
Dyma gacen hawdd a blasus.
Here's a simple, tasty cake.
2. intellectually undemanding
of a task, problem, lesson, etc.
not intellectually demandingeasy to comprehend, complete, or solve
Roedd y gwaith ysgol roedd o'n gorfod ei wneud yn hawdd iawn.
The schoolwork he had to do was really easy.
Doedd y dosbarth yma ddim yn un hawdd.
This class wasn't an easy one.
Problem ddiddorol, heb ateb hawdd.
An interesting problem, with no easy answer.
of a skill
easy to acquire or learneasy to perform successfully
Trueni bod pob iaith ddim mor hawdd â'r Gymraeg.
A pity that not every language is as easy as Welsh.
Mae angen i ni feddwl am ffordd i wneud mathemateg yn hawdd i ti.
We need to think of a way to make maths easy for you.
3. emotionally undemanding
a. pleasant to manage or experienceuncomplicated (often in the negative)
Doedd y cyfnod ddim yn un hawdd.
The period wasn't an easy one.
Er mwyn cael bywyd hawdd, dwedais i "iawn", a gwenu.
In order to have an easy life, I said "fine", and smiled.
Symbol o'r haf, ymlacio, a byw bywyd syml, hawdd.
A symbol of summer, relaxation, and living an uncomplicated, easy life.
of a person or animal
Doedd hi ddim y disgybl mwyaf hawdd yn yr ysgol, oedd hi?
She wasn't the easiest pupil in school, was she?
4. convenientopportune
Mae nos Iau lot yn fwy hawdd i ni.
Thursday evening is much easier for us.
Mae'n bosib y bydd pethau'n haws ym mis Ionawr.
Things may be easier in January.
More about hawdd (click a category to expand...)
anodd (difficult)
Making comparisons with "hawdd"
mwy hawdd
Mae'n fwy hawdd i ymateb.
It's easier to respond.
mwyaf hawdd
Un o 'r rhai mwyaf hawdd.
One of the easiest ones.
 You may also come across the forms haws (easier) and hawsaf (easiest) instead of mwy hawdd and mwyaf hawdd.
Idioms and phrases?
haws dweud na gwneud
easier said than done
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