Sounds roughly like: yown?pronounce to rhyme with "town"
IPA: /jaun/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
1. correctrightjust
Yr ateb iawn oedd wyth deg.
The right answer was eighty.
Dyw e ddim yn iawn, be sy'n digwydd.
It's not right, what's happening.
with yn, as an adverb
Dw i'n teimlo'n iawn, diolch.
I feel fine, thanks.
Dw i'n deall yn iawn.
I understand perfectly.
Roedd y parti yn mynd yn iawn.
The party was going well.
gooddecent (usually said of a person)
Rwyt ti'n foi iawn.
You're a decent bloke.
Roedd y bwyd yn flasus iawn.
The food was very tasty.
Mae fy nghi yn bwysig iawn, iawn i mi.
My dog is very, very important to me.
1. okay?agreed?
Dyw hi ddim yn nofel i blant, iawn?
It isn't a novel for kids, alright?
Cymer ofal, iawn?
Take care, okay?
2. okay alright
a. indicating agreement
Iawn, dim problem.
Okay, no problem.
Iawn, mi wnawn ni gadw golwg arnyn nhw.
Alright, we'll keep an eye on them.
b. conceding a point (usually before disagreeing)
Iawn, ond beth wedyn?
Okay, but what then?
Iawn, dyna beth sy yn y geiriadur, ond mae'n air mor hyll!
Alright, that's what's in the dictionary, but it's such an ugly word!
3. right (used to start a new stage in a conversation )
Iawn, wel, dw i eisiau cael paned.
Right, well, I want a cuppa.
More about iawn (click a category to expand...)
from proto-Celtic *yānos(true)
Bretonewn correct right
Cornishewn correct right fair
just; righteous
compensation; reparation payment
Cytundeb Ewrop ar Iawnderau Dynol.
The European Convention on Human Rights.
Topics and themes?
agreement and disagreement
anghytuno (disagree)
cytuno (agree)
efallai (maybe)
ie (yes)
na (no)
true and false
anghywir (wrong)
celwydd (lie)
cywir (correct)
ffaith (fact)
gau (false)
gwir (true)
sickness and health
doctor (doctor)
iach (healthy)
meddyg (doctor)
nyrs (nurse)
sâl (sick)
salwch (illness)
tost (ill)
ysbyty (hospital)
degree and intensity
digon (enough)
eithaf (somewhat)
gwir (true)
hollol (totally)
llai (less)
mor (so / very)
mwy (more)
reit (very)
ychydig (a little)
as an adjective
cywir (correct)
as an adverb
mor (so / very)
reit (very)
as an interjection
gwych (excellent)
ie (yes)
reit (right)
wrth gwrs (of course)
as an adjectivein sense 1
anghywir (wrong)
as an adjectivein sense 2
drwg (bad)
gwael (bad)
sâl (sick)
tost (ill)
as an interjectionin sense 2
na (no)
maint iawn
(yn ei) iawn bwyll
(in one's) right mind;(in) a state of sanity
Pwy yn ei iawn bwyll sy'n mynd allan heb esgidiau yn y gaeaf?
Who in their right mind goes out without shoes in winter?
Idioms and phrases?
da iawn!
well done!; good job!
go iawn
really; true
Mae'r ffigwr go iawn llawer yn uwch.
The true figure is much higher.
Mae'r ffermwr yn cwyno go iawn.
The farmer is complaining for real.
popeth yn ei iawn bryd
all in good time
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