Sounds roughly like: yeah-khid?
IPA: /ˈjɛxɪd/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
noun masc.
Achos ei iechyd, aeth yn ôl i'r Bahamas.
Because of his health, he went back to the Bahamas.
Mae angen gofal i wella iechyd yr afon.
Care is needed to improve the health of the river.
Cymerwch olwg ar eich iechyd ariannol.
Take a look at your financial health.
1. cheers! (= iechyd da!)
Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus i bawb. Iechyd!
Happy St. David's Day to all. Cheers!
2. goodness!
Iechyd, mae 'n waith caled!
Goodness, this is hard work!
More about iechyd (click a category to expand...)
iach(healthy) + -yd(ness)
Cornishyeghes health
Bretonyec'hed health
illness; disease
Topics and themes?
health and wellbeing
doctor (doctor)
iach (healthy)
meddyg (doctor)
moddion (medicine)
nyrs (nurse)
sâl (sick)
salwch (illness)
ysbyty (hospital)
Ffrindiau sy ddim yn dda eu hiechyd.
Friends who are not in good health.
anhwylder iechyd (meddwl)
(mental) health disorder
Mae angen mwy o sylw i anhwylderau iechyd meddwl.
There needs to be more attention paid to mental health disorders.
gofal iechyd
Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (GIG)
National Health Service (NHS)
gweithiwr iechyd
(pl. gweithwyr iechyd)
healthcare workers;medical professionals
Roedd yn braf gweld llawer o nyrsys a gweithwyr iechyd eraill.
It was great to see lots of nurses and other healthcare workers.
iechyd a diogelwch
health and safety
iechyd meddwl
mental health
Adnoddau ar iechyd meddwl yn y gweithle.
Resources on mental health in the workplace.
perygl iechyd
(pl. peryglon iechyd)
health risk;health hazard
ymwelydd iechyd
(pl. ymwelwyr iechyd)
health visitor
Idioms and phrases?
iechyd da!
cheers! (as a toast)
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