Sounds roughly like: nayth-yoor?
IPA: /ˈnɛiθjʊr/ ?
CEFR band: A2
Welsh for Adults level: Sylfaen/Foundation
last night
Diolch am ddod draw neithiwr.
Thanks for coming over last night.
Neithiwr es i allan i gael pryd o fwyd.
Last night I went out for a meal.
noun masc.
1. last nightyesterday evening
Roedd neithiwr yn noson dda iawn.
Last night was a really good night.
as a possessive modifier of another noun
last night'syesterday evening's
Dyma gyfle arall i weld rhaglen neithiwr.
Here's another chance to see last night's programme.
More about neithiwr (click a category to expand...)
from Indo-European *nókʷts(night)
Cornishnyhewer last nightyesterday evening
Bretonneizheur last nightyesterday evening
Topics and themes?
days and times
ddoe (yesterday)
heddiw (today)
heno (tonight)
yfory (tomorrow)
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