Sounds roughly like: shop?
IPA: /ʃɔp/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
noun fem. (pl.siopiau)
a. a building from which goods or services are solda commercial premises
Mae 'na bobl yn y siop.
There are people in the x.
Maen nhw'n byw yn agos i'r siopau.
They live near the shops.
b. a website which lists goods for sale and processes customer orders and payments
Cliciwch y ddolen i ymweld a'r siop.
Click the link to visit the shop.
More about siop (click a category to expand...)
to shop; to go shopping
(pl. siopladron)
Topics and themes?
business and commerce
arian (money)
busnes (business)
cost (cost)
marchnad (market)
siopa (shop)
talu (pay)
work and employment
gwaith (work)
gweithio (work)
staff (staff)
swydd (job)
rheolwr siop
(pl. rheolwyr siop)
siop manager
siop adrannol
(pl. siopau adrannol)
also:siop adrannau
department store
siop ail-law
(pl. siopau ail-law)
second-hand shop;a shop where used goods can be bought
siop bapur
(pl. siopau papur)
siop elusen
(pl. siopau elusen)
charity shop
siop gadwyn
(pl. siopau cadwyn)
chain store
siop goffi
(pl. siopau coffi)
coffee shop;café
siop gornel
(pl. siopau cornel)
corner shop
siop sglodion
(pl. siopau sglodion)
(fish and) chip shop
siop siarad
talking shop;a place or group characterized by ineffectual discussion and lack of accomplishment
siop tsips
(pl. siopau tsips)
also:siop jips
(fish and) chip shop
e-shop;an e-commerce website
Idioms and phrases?
gwarchod y siop
minding the shop
yr hwch wedi mynd trwy'r siop
literally "the sow has gone through the shop"
gone bankrupt
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