Sounds roughly like: een?
IPA: /iːn/ or /ɨːn/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
onea single
Un dyn bach ar ôl.
One little man left over.
Un peth arall.
One more thing.
1. senses relating to counting, quantifying, and enumerating
a. the number one
Rhif un oedd Justin Gatlin.
Number one was Justin Gatlin.
Pwy sydd ar dîm un heno?
Who's on team one tonight?
Un, dau, tri, ewch!
One, two, three, go!
b. one o'clock
Hanner 'di un wnes i gyrraedd adref.
I got home at half past one.
2. as a pronoun
a. one (used instead of a noun when it is clear from the context what you are referring to)
Mae'r enw yn un rhyfedd.
The name is a strange one.
Wna' i brintio un arall i ti.
I'll print another one for you.
with o
a single member of a set or group
Roedd heddiw'n un o'r dyddiau da!
Today was one of the good days!
Gwnes i gwrdd ag un person.
I met one person.
c. a personan individual (used when describing someone's personal characteristics)
Un dwl oedd Huw.
Huw was an idiot.
(literally: Huw was a silly one.)
Un fel'na ydy Mam .
Mum's like that.
(literally: Mum is one [who's] like that.)
Un o ble dych chi'n wreiddiol?
Where do you come from originally?
(literally: One from where are you originally?)
veryabsolutely (after a superlative adjective)
Dw i wedi cyrraedd y dudalen olaf un!
I've reached the very last page!
Mae'n cael ei swydd gyntaf un.
He's getting his very first job.
More about un (click a category to expand...)
Un in decimal numbers
There are two different counting systems in Welsh. One of these is the more recent decimal system. In this system, un is combined with deg ("ten") and a second number to make up the "teen" numbers. A number like 17 (un deg saith) is literally "one ten (and) seven".
One does not simply use un as a pronoun...
In English, you can use one as a pronoun to refer impersonally to yourself or to people in general: One may talk about oneself. In Welsh, however, un is not used in the same way; you wouldn't usually say Mae un yn siarad amdano'i hun. In more old-fashioned Welsh, you might find people using dyn to perform this function: Mae dyn yn mwynhau dysgu - A man enjoys learning or One enjoys learning. A more inclusive choice is to use the indefinite pronoun rhywun, which is equivalent to English "someone": Mae rhywun yn adnabod ei ffrindiau - One knows one's friends (literally Someone knows his/her friends.).
Idioms and phrases?
pob un
Symudwch yn ôl, bob un.
Move back, everyone.
pob un ~
every ~
Pob un gair.
Every word.
yr un
(also: pob un)
'Dyn ni i gyd 'di cael un cerdyn yr un.
We've all had one card each.
Un crempog bob un, ia?
One pancake each, yes?
yr un peth or yr un fath
the same (thing)
Beth am i chi wneud yr un fath?
Why don't you do the same?
Fydd e byth yr un peth.
It'll never be the same.
yr un ~
the same ~
Roedd hi'n cael yr un ateb bob tro.
She received the same answer every time.
Yr un hen stori.
The same old story.
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