Gogledd Iwerddon
Sounds roughly like: gog-leth you-err-thon?
IPA: /ˈgɔglɛð ɪwˈɛrðɔn/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
Northern Ireland
a. as a geographical area
Mae storom wedi taro Gogledd Iwerddon.
A storm has hit Northern Ireland.
b. as a community or political entity the sum of Northern Irish society and institutions
Mae Gogledd Iwerddon braidd yn wahanol i weddill y DU.
Northern Ireland is a bit different from the rest of the UK.
Mae Cymru yn cael llai o arian na Gogledd Iwerddon.
Wales gets less money than Northern Ireland.
a team representing Northern Ireland in international sporting competitions
Mae'r tîm yn gorffwys cyn y gêm yn erbyn Gogledd Iwerddon.
The team's resting before the match against Northern Ireland.
More about Gogledd Iwerddon (click a category to expand...)
gogledd(north) + Iwerddon(Ireland)
for words relating to Irish people and culture, see the entry Gwyddelig
Topics and themes?
countries and nations
Cymraeg (Welsh)
Cymreig (Welsh)
Cymru (Wales)
Iwerddon (Ireland)
Lloegr (England)
Saesneg (English)
Seisnig (English)
yr Alban (Scotland)
Ogledd Iwerddon?
Mae Emyr ar daith i Ogledd Iwerddon.
Emyr is on a journey to Northern Ireland.
Ngogledd Iwerddon?
Byddaf i'n treulio penwythnos yng Ngogledd Iwerddon.
I'll be spending a weekend in Northern Ireland.
Northern Irish?

The usual adjective used to translate the English word Irish is Gwyddelig, but there's no tradition of extending this with the word Gogledd . Instead, there are two standard ways to translate Northern Irish. Firstly, you can say o Ogledd Iwerddon (from Northern Ireland):

menywod o Ogledd Iwerddon

Northern Irish women

Or, secondly, you can make a possessive phrase using your chosen noun followed by Gogledd Iwerddon:

arfordir Gogledd Iwerddon

the Northern Irish coast

Idioms and phrases?
Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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