Sounds roughly like: lhoy-grr?
IPA: /ˈɬɔigr/ or /ˈɬɔɨgr/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
noun fem.
a. as a geographical area
Y ffîn rhwng Cymru a Lloegr.
The border between Wales and England.
Mae traffig yn ofnadwy yn Lloegr!
Traffic is awful in England!
b. as a community or political entity the sum of English society and institutions
Beth yw polisi tramor Lloegr?
What is England's foreign policy?
Hyd nawr, mae Lloegr wedi siapio beth yw Cymru.
Up to now, England has shaped what Wales is.
a team representing England in international sporting competitions
Y gêm fawr ydy Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr.
The big game is Wales versus England.
Mae merched Cymru a merched Lloegr yn chwarare yng Nghwpan y Byd.
The Wales women's team and the England women's team are playing in the World Cup.
More about Lloegr (click a category to expand...)
The origins of the name Lloegr are unknown.
Topics and themes?
countries and nationalities
Cymraeg (Welsh)
Cymreig (Welsh)
Cymru (Wales)
Gogledd Iwerddon (Northern Ireland)
Iwerddon (Ireland)
Saesneg (English)
Seisnig (English)
yr Alban (Scotland)
Mae'r tren yn mynd i Loegr.
The train is going to England.
Banc Lloegr
the Bank of England
Brenhines Lloegr
the Queen of England
Brenin Lloegr
the King of England
Canolbarth Lloegr
the Midlands
Eglwys Loegr
the Church of England
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