Sounds roughly like: puce?
IPA: /pɪus/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
purple or deep reddish-pink in colour
Yn yr ardd, roedd gyda ni flodau piws.
In the garden, we had purple flowers.
a colour in the range from purple to deep reddish-pink
Piws ydy'r dewis orau i fynd gyda glas.
Purple is the best choice to go with blue.
More about piws (click a category to expand...)
from English puce
Topics and themes?
brown (brown)
coch (red)
du (black)
glas (blue)
gwyn (white)
gwyrdd (green)
llwyd (grey)
melyn (yellow)
oren (orange)
pinc (pink)
porffor (purple)
Roedd fy ngwyneb wedi troi yn binc, yn biws, ac yna yn goch.
My face had turned pink, magenta, and then red.
Mae gen i llyfr melyn a phiws.
I have a yellow and purple book.
Mae fy mhiws a fy nglas wedi cymysgu.
My purple and my blue have mixed.
Is piws tickled pink?
The exact colour denoted by piws can be hard to pin down. For some people, it's a synonym for porffor (purple). For others, it refers to a colour closer to magenta or reddish-pink. You'll find it used to describe the colour of products like clothes and makeup, as well as flowers; and when someone's face goes bright reddish-purple from anger or embarrassment, they're often described as turning piws.
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